Saturday, June 4, 2011

We Were Supposed to get Married, It just didn't work out that way... (The teenage years)

Shaun Cassidy. My Hardy Boy. The first time I saw him, my heart stood still. That hair, that cute little butt! I remember being at Sears with my parents and seeing, for the first time, his face on a t-shirt. I begged my mom for the shirt, it was around 20 bucks, my mom was not going to pay 20 bucks for any shirt muchless one with some guys face on. I was so bummed out, if only I had asked my dad first, Dad wouldn't think 20 bucks was too much for a shirt with some guys face on it.

Later that week my dad had to go to Sears, and I tagged along. Woohoo, Daddy said yes! At 7 years-old I was the proud owner of my very own Shaun Cassidy t-shirt! In your face, mom!

Starsky! The second love of my life! I was 8, and obviously very fickle,  (Sorry, Shaun) when I fell head over heels in love with this hunk! I lived Starsky! I would play Barbies and dark haired Ken doll was Starsky and the blonde was Hutch. I remember taking a box of my dad's Swisher Sweet  Cigars, throwing out the cigars (I probably saved your life, Dad) and using the box as their Torino. Starsky and Hutch would ride up and down the hallways in my house busting P.J., Barbie, and Skipper!
Frank Poncherello. Ponch! Have you ever seen a uniform fit a man so deliciously? Did he even have a partner? Was there anything hotter than a California Highway Patrol Officer (The answer is yes, since this isn't the end of my list)? At 10 years old, everytime my parents took me to California, I prayed my father would become a speed demon and get pulled over. As luck would have it, my father did a good job speeding on his own, but to my dismay, Poncho was never working that section of the freeway. :(
I was like Cousin Pookie on crack when it came to this man. Nick Rhodes! Yes, I was a Duranie in highschool. Every inch of my bedrooms walls was wall papered with this mans face. Every penny I (and by I, I mean my parents) had went to Tiger Beat, Teen Beat, 16, and Bop so I could find out Nick's favorite food, fave car, fave anything! I wore my hair like he did, I dressed like him, which seems kind of freaky now.    

Perfectly perfect Nicolas Cage. Wow. Enough said...for now...

Herve' Villechaize. Ahhh a french man. How I wish I was on that damn plane! Ok, I'm joking. Just seeing if anyone is paying attention.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

CEO's, Meth Heads, and a Mother's Love.

Maybe I’m just a silly blonde, but wouldn’t making Big Corporations and the top 1% pay their fair share in taxes make more sense in paying down America’s debt than attacking Medicare and social security? It is common sense. What the hell is wrong with these people in Washington? What the hell is wrong with us?
I am so annoyed with people saying, ‘Rich people and big corporations deserve tax-cuts, they create jobs.’  My mom once asked me, ‘Did you ever get a job from a poor person?’ Obviously, she never asked a welfare worker that question.  My response was, she creates jobs. My mother shops every day. Every single day she is out there at the stores spending my inheritance! My mother and all those people getting in her way with their shopping carts create jobs. The more shoppers there are, the more jobs are created.
In addition, drug-testing people on welfare is a great idea. I used to think, ‘But what about their children, and drug addiction is a disease.’  As far as the children, if a Wal-Mart employee gets injured at work, they are drug tested, if they are found to have drugs in their system, they are fired. No one cares about his or her children.  Most companies drug test, why should they be held to a higher standard than someone living off taxpayer dollars does.  I know ‘H’ will say I sound like a Republican when I say things like this, but oh well.
I have been on state assistance in the past, and they could have drugged tested me at any point, and I would have passed. Another thing, if you are on welfare, and you get pregnant, I do not think your assistance should go up.  That’s getting a raise!  I remember going to appointments to be re-certified and my worker would ask me if I was pregnant. I looked at her as if she was crazy and said, ‘Of course not, why would I have another child, when I need help with the two I already have?’ Again, common sense.
Experts say drug addiction is a disease. Cancer is a disease. Drug addiction is a choice. A person makes the choice to take that first hit of heroin, crack, meth, or cocaine. If they had not taken that first step, they would not have become addicts.  I may sound harsh and I admit, I do not understand it. I have been offered drugs throughout the years, and I said no.  I have had some bad days, hell, I have had some bad years, and I have never thought, ‘If I smoke some crystal, things will get better.’ I know they won’t, I know they would only get worse. 

 I know Chuck would kick my ass and never take another phone call from me if I was a strung out crack ho.  More importantly, I know it would break my mother’s heart if I did drugs.
(I made a point of not listing marijuana, I am still on the fence as far as if it should be legal or not. I will say, I do not think someone should be on welfare if he or she smokes weed)

New Rule

If your mother finds the bong that your friend hid in her flower bed, NO, you may not have it back to return it to your friend!